"Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now"
So in the same spirit as the original version...here is my sunscreen song...
1. I need very few things around me to be comfortable and content. People are so much more important
2. Talk to people. Even if you don't speak the language, there are ways to communicate. (And a smile goes a long way!)
3. Learn the local language. It helps with making friends, being accepted into a community and finding out what is going on around the place
6. Wander around aimlessly and explore hidden streets. The are all sorts of interesting people, random shops and cute animals hiding in unexpected places
12. Try the local food...exactly the way the locals do. Even if it means trying something you have never thought of as 'food', eating with your hands, dealing with a constant onslaught of flies and having mealtimes at completely different times
15. Be patient with others. Not everyone has had the same training or experiences as me. Likewise, I need others to be patient with me too
17. Give your camera to someone else for a day (who you trust). You'd be amazed at some of the cool pics that come back
18. Respect others beliefs. You don't need to agree with them, just remember everyone is entitled to their own personal beliefs
21. Keep a diary - or better yet a blog (chrysalismegan.blogspot.com)! It's fun, an easy way to keep in touch with loads of people and fab to look back on and see how your experiences shape your mind and actions in the future
23. Relax in your own way
26. Try something new everyday...like climbing a coconut tree without a ladder, playing football on a coral pitch or sleeping under the stars
27. If your actions are not giving you the results you want, do something different (anything different!) and see what happens
30. Back up your photos and work to multiple places/ devices often